Thursday, October 20, 2016

Breaking bad habit starts with identifying then

What are 10 daily choices of mine that don't support health.  And their triggers. And my Strategy to overcome that bad habit.

1. Napping in the middles of the day
   TRIGGER :  Sleepy, low energy, boredom, pre-work boost
STRATEGY: choose my time for exercise, go for a brisk walk, or put had phone on close my eyes with a 5 to 10 minute timer.
2. Sitting to long in front of computer
  TRIGGER : getting side tracked doing other things then what was intended intially on the computer
STRATEGY: set a timer, make a list before turning on the computer and check of a you go.  If something else comes up wrote it on a to do list in an hour.  Stand at the computer.  Get up move around before doing another task.  Focus on one task at a time.
3. Snacking
TRIGGER: boredom, hunger,
STRATEGY: keep a list of things to do, chew sugarless gum, taje a full 8 oz of water wait 15 minutes then if still hungry consider healthy snack
4. Not drinking enough water
TRIGGER: forgetting, not having a water bottle with my a lot
STRATEGY:  always have a water bottle, if doesn't work consider a hydration reminder system
5. Drinking soda
TRIGGER: easy choice at drive thru or restaurant, syndromes water taste dirty and i don't like drinking dirty water
STRATEGY: always have water on you, ask if they have bottled water, consider crystal light packets
6. Eating my entire meal even though portions too big.
TRIGGER: it is there eating too fast
STRATEGY:  ask for a to go box immediately and portion meal already before eating
7.  Eating candy all the time
TRIGGER: available at work in very accessible drawer
STRATEGY : chew sugarless gum, have healthy alternative available, don't open that drawer
8. Energy drinks
TRIGGER: thinking i need an energy boost, wick easy fix,doesn't always work
STRATEGY:  drink water, go for a brisk walk, take an energy nap
9. Not planning activities
TRIGGER: not making the time to do so
STRATEGY:  make time for the important things
10. Hitting the snooze button
TRIGGER: warm bed, thinking i have time, think that not making time to get myself ready before going gives me more time to rest
STRATEGY:  set alarm appropriately, make time to get ready, set clothes out day before or decode on what I'm wearing

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

My changing world

This blog is from Living a Longer Healthier Life, a companion guide to Dr. A's Habits oF Health

List Five life style event I would really love to do

  1.  Backpack with my daughter and be able to hike along side her instead of trudging along in the back at a very slow pace.
  2. Bike ride with my daughters along the coast.
  3. Enjoy a hiking trip and not dreading that insane hill I'm about to climb
  4. Go to the beach and feel confident in what i choose to wear
  5. Weight lifting and working out with my best friend

Do my current activities support or prevent me from doing my dreams?
  1. Currently prevents because i quickly lose stamina, get short of breath and have a racing heart when i begin to carry a backpack
  2. Prevent, I easily get fatigued and do see the benefit of driving to he beach to ride our bikes.
  3. supports, I currently do go on hiking trips with my girls and i might dread that insane hill but we get it done.
  4.  Supports, I am confident in all i wear but i would love to still look spectacular in a bikini
  5. Support, able to do this but need to be able to go one my own too. Prevents as well, because we have very full schedules and we have to make time to see each other.
When I am upset, stressed, depressed, angry, sad, bored, tired, or overworked, I tend to sleep or nap, or stay in bed. I have definitely found myself sitting at the sushi bar drinking sake and eating 3-4 rolls of sushi myself. The fish may be good but that is a lot of rice and sauce. So i am a victim of my works candy draw. Especially on slow nights it is so easy to pop open that draw and eat a little of whatever is inhere. It is such a bad habit, i don't even have to be hungry to open that draw to get something out. 

Ten daily choices I make that support my health right now are:
  1. Chicken over other meats
  2. Fish is my favorite
  3. Salads are better then most meals at fast food restaurants
  4. parking further from the store
  5. taking the stairs instead of the elevator
  6. drinking more water
  7. starting this blog/journal
  8. going on hikes with my daughters or going on walks with Tony
  9. thinking about my decision and why i make them
  10. Removing all food post from my Facebook feed to lessen the temptation

Starting my journey to Optimal Health

Good day, I am going to try and help myself by keeping a blog about my journey.

Day One:

Goal for today:

  • Weigh yourself
  • drink lots of water
  • eat every 2-3 hours for a total of 5 OPTAVIA and 1 lean & Green Meal

Started day, My scale did not even have batteries in them...took me 20 minutes to track down batteries to put in the scale so i could weigh myself. I came in at 189.6#. Not my best day. This is 9 pounds heavier then when I was pregnant with my second daughter. This is what brought me to my reality that I need to do something because what i am currently doing is not working. So i finally, get myself weighed and now i am starving because I really was trying for the first thing in the morning weight.

I tried my first oatmeal, but was so hungry that i added too much water to the meal and ended up drinking my oatmeal. which wasn't too bad besides the fact that I finished so fast I wasn't satisfied. Well in 2 hours I can do this. So i look for my companion book that is suppose to help me with my choice foods. I misplaced my books, now i am blind on a Journey. I contact my health couch and she is at least able to give me an online guide to the food I can eat.

To keep myself occupied during this time I have decided to organize my room, bathroom and Closet. This is no easy task as I live out of this room, in conjunction with my 2nd daughter because we rent and my older daughter has her own room. Really started to down my water in hopes of curving the hunger cravings, but i did last until the 2 hour mark and I ate a OPTAVIA bar. Again ate it way to fast. Went on line and chugged my water. I decided I am going to eat my lean & green meal now. I loaded my girls up and we got sushi. While I ate Yellow Tail Sashimi, and a green salad with the ginger dressing on the side which I only took about 1/4 the amount they gave me, (I know i should have measured but i didn't) This made me feel really full. I made it through the rest of the day great. That night I slept very well

Goals Accomplished : weighed myself, drank good amount but want to do more tomorrow, ate every 2-3 hours

Day 2:

Goals for today:

  • Drink more water
  • Find books
  • eat every 2-3 hours for a total of 5 OPTAVIA and 1 lean & Green Meal
  • pre-made protein for next couple of days
Today started Great. Woke up got Kids off to school. Home, and started my day. Drank lots of water. Premade 2 lbs of shrimp with Lemon juice, garlic, a pinch of salt, and pepper.

I had my Lean & Green meal as an early dinner. I had 7 oz shrimp with lemon juice sprinkled on top. With 1 1/2 cup spinach/kale salad with 1 TBSP lite Italian Dressing. Delicious. Luckily I already love these types of meals. Being able to eat these meals is truly what got me through today. Went to bed early.

Goals Accomplished : Drank good amount but want to do more tomorrow, ate every 2-3 hours, Pre made shrimp for next 3 days

Day 3:

Goals for today:

  • Drink more water
  • Find books
  • eat every 2-3 hours for a total of 5 OPTAVIA and 1 lean & Green Meal
  • Eat more slowly
Today, started way to early. It was 4 am and the sprinkler woke me up and then my stomach was like time to eat. I couldn't start my day off that early. So i drank some water and tried to get back to sleep. Over and hour and half later i am finally ale to get back to sleep. Only to wake up when I am to start my day, with a migraine. So i mix 1 tsp bullion with my first blender bottle of water. and I start to chug it. I drive the girls to school and get home, I got to eat. Make myself one of the oatmeal meals and slowly try to eat through this meal. took me 5 minutes which is better then yesterday. But i still have this migraine, so i lie down in hopes that it will go away by my next meal, which i decided will be exactly at the 2 hour mark today. I nod off and wake up about 1 hour later and my migraine is gone. Woot to a lot of water and chicken bullion. Eat and start Organizing, Today went well besides that headache. Plus in the middle of my day I felt the fat burning state so intensely I was sweating from minimal effort. felt good though. Also Found my Books. start to read, and i got to catch up on the activities book. Which you will see my activities up on here.

Disclaimer: I am not a coach. I am not a sales person for OPTAVIA. I am a consumer of OPTAVIA. If interested you can contact me and I will direct you to my lovely couch.