Going to make this one a little personal.
I'm a mom to two beautiful girls. They are the most precious thing in my life.
They are one of the main thing that drives the decisions I have made over the past 10 years.
They are one of the main thing that drives the decisions I have made over the past 10 years.
A little over 10 years ago my life changed forever. My decided path was not my own anymore but now my decisions would shape another. And not even two years after that I started making decisions for another. The first biggest decision came about 5 years ago during Halloween time of 2009. My now first ex husband brought his mistress birthday with our girls. My eldest came home and asked if she should call her mother. He had been cheating on me with her for 3 of our 5 years of marriage. I knew about it but was trying to work it out. We even moved two counties away, but this was my last straw. I have him an ultimatum. He chose to have me leave and us seperate. This was the beginning of his down fall, the girls moved out and with my parents within a week. I moved out two weeks later. Moving to the opposite side of the state. We cane up with child support arrangements, visitation arrangements, and a game plan moving forward. Everything went well. I got a job quickly, so we would have to redraw up the child support. He ended up working Christmas so he picked up the girls the next day in exchange for having the girls until 2 days before school started back up.
I picked up my girls and everything looked wrong. My 1 st ex husband looked haggard, unkempt, and skinny. He didn't let up that anything was wrong but I could tell something was up. 3 days later the calls from county jail started. That is the day I became a true single supported single mom of two.
Over the next 5 years I learn so much about soeverything. Things about my ex, his mistress, other guys in my life, but mostly about myself. I'm not perfect but it is really not important, what is important is that I never gave up. For if I gave up, the two girls who look up to me where going to suffer. I do it all for them.